
Part A: Introduction of disease:
1-One Paragraph (approximately 250 words)
2- Include the disease description
3- Include the disease epidemiology
4- Includes information that is supported current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations.

Part B: Etiology and risk factors:
1- common causes of the disease
2- risk factors for the disease
3-impact of age on the disease condition
4- prevalence of disease based on gender
5-genetic basis of disease
6- Lifestyle influences on disease
7- Information that is supported by current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations.

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Part C: Pathophysiological processes:
1- describe changes occurring at the cellular tissue, and/or organ level that contribute to the disease process.
2- describes the adaptation of the cells and body in response to the disease.
3- relates disease processes to manifested signs and symptoms.
4- includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations.

Part D: Clinical manifestations: Subjective and Objective findings:
1- identifies subjective complaints that contribute to the diagnosis of the condition.
2- identifies the body systems affected by the condition
3- identifies physical assessment findings that contribute to diagnosis of the condition
4- identifies pertinent laboratory test necessary for diagnosis of condition
5- includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations

Part E: Complications and Diagnostics:
1- Identifies 3 complications of the disease
2- discusses the implications for the patient when complications are left untreated
3- all information is supported by current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations
4- explains the purpose of each listed laboratory and diagnostic test listed within the clinical manifestations section
5- discusses the significance of test findings in relation to the disease process.
6- includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations.

Part F: Pharmacologic Recommendations:
1- Lists each medication individually with rationale included
2- Includes dosage, route, dose frequency, and length of treatment for each medication
3- includes the drug classification for each medication
4-includes the side effects of each medication
5- includes the potential drug interactions to consider when prescribing (medications to avoid)
6- includes information that is supported by current scholarly literature as evidenced by in text citations.

APA format 7th edition
All references and scholarly literature must be from the last 5 years
all references must be from Medicine books, NOT NURSING

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