Historical Background of Political Islam, its Concepts and Frameworks

Essay in Chicago style citation, with footnotes, 28 pages, at least 275 words per page, and a minimum of 25 references. You may use up to 3 references per page and no fewer than 275 words per page. You may also use any additional academic materials or recommendations related to the subject. All academic work is expected to be free of grammar, usage, and style errors and must be original. Please, use the present tense most of the time instead of the past participle tense. Also, use a more active voice instead of passive voice and American English. You may also use any supplementary learning materials or references related to the subject. Also, you may make minor changes to the subheadings below for the finished document to read smoothly. Please, make a robust and logical argument while discussing the Historical Background of Political Islam, its Concepts and Frameworks. Discuss Islamic dynasties after the death of Fourth Caliph, Ali Ibn Talib from Mu’awiyah, his children inheriting power and the succeeding dynasties and their use of Islam for political gain. Discuss and present a compelling argument on the primary reasons and contributing factors for The Rise of the Muslim Political Violence from the 19th and 21st Centuries and link to Afghanistan and Iraq’s invasion. And please, incorporate these subheadings below in your writing, and you may make minor changes as you see it fit to smooth the consistent flow of the research: Historical Background of Political Islam, its Concepts and Frameworks. 5 pages The Influence of Maududi, Qutb, and Khomeini in Modern Political Islam. 6 pages Radical Interpretation of Quranic Verses by Islamist Militants for Political Gain. 4 pages Aspirations and Activities of the Islamist Militants. 4 pages The Connection between Political Islam and Muslim Militancy. 4 pages Lessons Learned and the path forward to Countering Political Islam. 4 pages Conclusion. 1 page Or divide the pages as you see it it. Historically, Muslim intellectuals suggest that extremist interpretation of the Quran for political gain within Islam dated back to the Kharijites group who appeared in the 7th century Common Era. The Kharijites established dangerous dogmas that distinguished them from both orthodox Sunni and Shi’a Muslims from their fundamentally political stance. The Kharijites as a group were predominantly renowned for espousing a deep-seated approach to takfir, through which they professed that other Muslims were disbelievers; hence, their blood can be shaded without recourse. Additionally, the succeeding Muslim dynasties came to power using Islam as an umbrella to gain political leverage and interpreted the Quran to suit their political aspirations. In essence, political Islamism is an ideology of resentment directed toward a prevailing order. So long as the political order remains closed, the militant insurgents will have a place in society. Their defiance of the oppressive order and their criticism of the stagnant autocratic rule will resonate with a populace segment. For over six decades, a rebirth of an ideological movement called Islamism has been at war with the West. Over these decades, militant groups under the pretext of establishing the Caliphate, which in their mind is connected with an idealized Muslim past. The Militant groups have made worldwide headlines – on various occasions – due to their malicious terrorist attacks on the West in general and predominantly against Muslims whom they deemed opposing to their dogmas. The rise of Political Islamists and militant groups in various parts of the Muslim world from South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, the North African, the Sahel, Sub-Saharan, Horn of Africa, Europe, and Australia pose alarming threats to the global security and, more so, regional stability. These militants’ appeal stems from their ability to tap into and persuade marginalized communities, particularly youth, that their grievances can be rectified by establishing a more pure Islamist culture. Justifications given for attacks on civilians by Islamic extremist groups come from extreme interpretations of the Quran and Hadith, and Islamic law. These include retribution by armed jihad for the perceived injustices of unbelievers against Muslims (especially by Al-Qaeda);[12] the belief that the killing of many self-proclaimed Muslims is required because they have violated Islamic law and are actually disbelievers (kafir); the need to restore and purify Islam by establishing sharia law, especially by restoring the Caliphate as a pan-Islamic state (especially ISIS); the glory and heavenly rewards of martyrdom; the supremacy of Islam over all other religions.[Note 1].[26][27] 26 “Another battle with Islam’s ‘true believers.'” The Globe and Mail. 27 Mohamad Jebara More Mohamad Jebara. “Imam Mohamad Jebara: Fruits of the tree of extremism.” Ottawa Citizen.

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