How has the coronavirus crisis affected your budget constraint?


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How has the coronavirus crisis affected your budget constraint?
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This assignment should be completed following similarly to any English composition essay. It should identify an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Essay Question: Personal Impact from Coronavirus | How has the coronavirus crisis affected your budget constraint?

Essay Structure:

The essay should cover theory and application (life examples explained) of the following:


Budget Constraint.
Opportunity Cost.
Factors that expand/contract budget constraints.
Application of the theory:

A real-life situation where you explain the concepts above mentioned responding to the question of how has the coronavirus crisis affected your budget constraint.

Example/Explanation of personal scarcity and choice(s).
Example/Explanation of personal opportunity cost due to personal choice(s).
Example/Explanation of personal expansion or contraction of their budget constraint.
Conclusion of reflection about the effect of coronavirus on their life.

Lecture recordings: Class 11, 12, and 13.
Lecture BB Folder: Ch. 2, Ch. 6, Budget Constraint and Consumer Choices.
Textbook: Ch. 2, section related to Budget Constraint.
Help with the Essay:

You can look for help on the organization, structure, and clarity of your ideas through HALC’s online tutoring. For information on HALC’s online tutoring, look for the corresponding email/announcement sent by me.

Essay Rubric:

Find here the parts that need to be identified in your essay for a passing grade.

Own words.
Organization/structure of the essay (introduction, body, conclusion).
Clarity of ideas.
Definition of Scarcity.
Definition of Opportunity Cost.
Factors that Increase/Decrease budget constraints.
Application of the theory:

Example/Explanation of scarcity and choice(s).
Example/Explanation of opportunity cost.
Example/Explanation of expansion/contraction of the budget constraint.
Conclusion effect of coronavirus on life.

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